Alec Bergman, ABCA volunteer

I was introduced to the ABCA at a young age by my father, who has been working with them for some time. I took an instant liking to the charity and have continued working with them, as I believe it’s an incredible cause. Typically, my role consists of packing the books into boxes with my dad and brother, whilst catching up with other volunteers and enjoying a great chat. The culture created by the wonderful volunteers and coordinators is exceptional and makes helping feel like a social gathering, rather than work. I plan to continue working with ABCA for many years to come, as they work hard to create an impact and improve the lives of many less fortunate children. Growing up in Australia, I have been fortunate to receive a great education, and hence understand how important education is. Children should not be restricted to great literature based on their country.


Providing books for children in Africa offers many significant positive impacts, most notably being empowering education. Books act as a gateway to knowledge, fostering a love for learning and creativity and building the foundation for children’s educational journeys. The books given to children in Africa by ABCA equip them with lifelong skills, such as leadership, critical thinking and problem solving. ABCA works diligently to provide a better future for children in Africa, and ensure they are given some opportunities commonly taken for granted in other countries. Books encourage lifelong learning as well as foster strong connections between children. They can read and bond over books together, helping to promote a sense of community, friendship and a shared love for reading. The advantages of books are truly limitless.


I have loved every second of working with the ABCA, and it is always so uplifting to see many new faces there each time, as I know they too will experience the gratitude and warmth of working with such a great foundation. There are many ways to get involved, and they don’t always involve packing the books. Donating pre-loved books is a great way to show support and make a difference. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes as well, and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the coordinators who put in so much time and effort for such an amazing cause. To the amazing volunteers at ABCA, your impact is immeasurable. Together, let’s continue spreading the joy of reading and learning to even more children in Africa.

 Posted February 2024

Written by Alec Bergman