Elise Margow: revered legal expert with soft spot for African children

South African born Elise Margow is an experienced litigator and corporate law expert based in Melbourne. She was named by The Age Melbourne Magazine as One of the top 100 most passionate, powerful and provocative personalities of 2012.Just the mention of her name instills respect mixed with fear in boardrooms and courtrooms alike. Yet in her private life Elise has a soft spot for underprivileged Children in her native South Africa and Africa at large. In 2003 Elise Margow, together with her husband, created a childrens charity Australian Books for Children of Africa (ABCA Ltd in short). ABCA Ltd collects second hand books from schools, mainly around Melbourne, and ships them to disadvantaged children in 8 African countries including South Africa, Kenya, Uganda Zambia and Ghana. So far they have shipped more than 150 000 books and other educational material. Till now their fund-raising events have been low key but entertaining with Elise Margow throwing herself into some impromptu cabaret performance. I caught up with Elise Margow to learn more about her charity.

Happiness is a book each with stories and beautiful illustrations.

Shirley and Lesley-Ann • Teachers, Inkosi Albert Luthulu Central Hospital